It is 11:42 on a Tuesday night, I am sitting at the table doing my homework when I hear a sudden swoosh. I then started writing my paper again then I felt cold air past me. When I was younger my mother use to tell me if you feel a draft past by me that it might be Duppy passing by. Now as a kid I was scared of alot every little thing that moved at night even my brother. My brother Adrian and I never really had a close relationship so he used to sneak in my room at night and scare me. So as the draft past me by all of those bad memories passed me before my eyes. I suddenly jump out and started panking I turn to Ngadie and I ask if she can hear it she screams hear what!!! I say the the ghostly sounds she um hun, no thats the wind blowing the trees.I laugh at myself for being such a punk but. Who knows if it was the wind or an Actual ghost.
1 comment:
WOoOW SmH.. OnLy u i SwEaR
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